Privacy Policy

Polyaire Pty Ltd (The Company) undertakes to protect the privacy of individuals. The Company undertakes to comply with the National Privacy Principals (NPP’s) as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Amended).

The Company undertakes to only collect personal information on an individual, which is necessary for;
a) the risk assessment management of Trade Debtors Accounts,
b) contact information required by Sales Representatives.

An unauthorised person shall not collect personal information.

The Company undertakes to make the individual aware of the purpose that the personal information is being obtained and to whom this personal information will be made available (if any).

The Company undertakes to only collect personal information, which is relevant to its business activities.

The Company shall ensure that all personal information collected is;
a) recorded and that the record is protected by such security safeguards as is reasonable in the circumstances to protect against, loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure; and
b) if passed on to a service provider, that every reasonable step will be taken to prevent unauthorised use or disclosure.

The Company will take every reasonable effort to make the individual aware that personal information will be obtained from a Mercantile Reporting Agency for the purpose of approving an Application for a Credit Account and/or ongoing risk assessment of the Trade Debtor Account.

Upon request to the Company's Privacy Officer an individual may obtain details of any personal information recorded by the Company, with the exception of Mercantile Credit Reports, copies of which must be obtained by the individual from the Mercantile Reporting Agency.

The Company undertakes to ensure that all personal information so recorded and retained, is;
 accurate; and
 relevant, up to date, complete and not misleading.

The Company shall ensure that all personal information used for decision-making in its risk management process is accurate.

The personal information recorded by The Company shall only be used for a purpose, which is relevant.

The Company will not use the personal information recorded for any other purpose than stated without the individuals consent.

Personal information recorded by the Company will only be disclosed to another person, body or agency if the individual has expressly approved such disclosure or information of that kind is usually passed to that person, body or agency (e.g. enforcement of criminal or civil law).

Contact details;
The Privacy Officer
Polyaire Pty Ltd
PO Box 2038
Phone: 1300 550 418
Facsimile: (08) 8349 6820